The Everyday Lady

"Nothing is less important than which fork you use.  Etiquette is the science of living.  It embraces everything.  It is ethics.  It is honor." Emily Post

I’ll never claim to be an expert or a perfect example; I often times find myself failing by my own standards. I do however, hold old fashion values when chivalry was alive and tights were not considered pants.
So why am I writing this? Do I think I’m going to change the world? Am I just out to attack sorority girls and their tight wearing ways? The short answer is “no!”
I’m writing because I have a passion for etiquette and for conversation… let’s not mention fashion and marriage as well. I have a lot of passions. I’m the ultimate girly girl; I obsessed over my wedding from the time I was 7 (and it was perfectly executed) and write all my class notes in calligraphy.
The idea of writing an etiquette series came about when I was asked to join a few class friends for lunch, instead of getting to know one another, we all pulled out our latest iPhones (well, they have the latest, I’m still trying to figure out caps lock) and text, facebooked, or snapchatted with someone sitting miles away.
What’s happened to the art of conversation? We could blame reality TV and Snooki’s bump it, but didn’t it all start with the rise of Feminism and the decline of male chivalry?
Now, please don’t get me wrong; GO WOMEN! We’ve come so far in history and I pride myself in being a strong and independent woman in today’s society, but why does that mean my husband shouldn’t stand when I enter a room or hold the car door open for me?
Somewhere along the way while women were taking over the world, we forgot the simple etiquette rules Emily Post drove into our mothers and grandmothers.
I’m taking it among myself to bring back social graces, modern modesty and calligraphied thank you notes.

The Everyday Lady

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